Course Syllabus


8th Grade Science – Mr. Bachmeier

“A high-quality science education means that students will develop an in-depth understanding of content and develop key skills—communication, collaboration, inquiry, problem solving, and flexibility—that will serve them throughout their educational and professional lives.” – Next Generation Science Standards

Course Documents Science 8 Syllabus Lab Safety Contract


During 8th grade science, we will cover a range of science topics with a primary focus on Physical, Earth, and Life science. Our learning is guided by the middle school level Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). A selection of the units we will complete include:

  1. Science Fun!Damentals (Atomic structure, mass, weight, & density)
  2. Contact Forces (Forces & motion)
  3. Sound (Waves & energy)
  4. Thermodynamics (Heat & energy transfer)
  5. Genetics (Heredity, inheritance & environment)
  6. Non-Contact Forces (Gravity & magnetism)
  7. Space Science (Structure and motion of the solar system)

Homework: Rarely assigned beyond completion of unfinished classwork or preparing for assessments.


Tardy: Not being in the classroom at the beginning of class.

Science is an activity-based class so being in class every day is important. You are responsible for reviewing and completing the work you missed during any absence as soon as possible.

Step 1: Check the Daily Slides section on Mr. Bachmeier’s Canvas site for a copy of each day’s slides. These are also available as printed copies in the “Daily Slides” binder in the classroom.

Step 2: Check the “What Did I Miss?” folders in the classroom for any handouts from the day(s) missed.

Step 3: Use the Daily Slides or a partner’s notebook to update your own notebook and complete any work missed.

Step 4: After checking with classmates and using the resources in class to update your notebook, ask Mr. Bachmeier any remaining questions (before or after class, if possible).



1.      Composition notebook: bound & made of lined paper only--100 sheets. This notebook will contain all daily science work for the entire year.

2.     Pencil: we only use pencil in our composition notebooks. Please have several sharpened pencils at the beginning of class (or mechanical pencils with graphite).


  • Other Supplies: we frequently use tape, scissors, rulers, & colored pencils. These are available during class, but bringing your own supplies to class will allow you to complete some tasks more quickly and efficiently.
  • Headphones: we will use Chromebooks to watch videos and complete online simulations in class.
  • Textbook: None. Any reading completed in class will be provided electronically and/or as a paper copy for later use.


MASTERY (MA)  -- Summative assessments including tests, lab write-ups, final models, etc… used to assess learning of a concept, skill, or standard.

FORMATIVE (FORM) -- Student notebooks, in-class work, and quizzes are graded formatively as evidence of progress towards learning science standards and skills

PROFESSIONIALISM Turning work in on time, using class time appropriately, being and active participant in learning. 0% of the science grade.

All work is graded on “4 point Scale”.  Semester grades are cumulative in science and do not “reset” each quarter.

4 – Point Grade Scale
Description   Score     Grade     %
Exceeds Standard 4 A 100
Meets Standard 3 B 85
Near Standard 2 C 75
Below Standard 1 D 65
No Evidence 0 F 50

LATE WORK -- All learning activities may be turned in up to 1 week before the end of the semester. Late work will be the lowest priority for grading and cannot always be reassessed.


The goal of this class is to achieve mastery in various scientific skills and concepts. Students have the opportunity to complete assignments, re-take tests, and revise projects in order to demonstrate greater understanding of a science practice or standard.

Reassessment Process:

Students may reassess any MASTERY assignment (test, project, lab write-up) during the grading period when the standard was introduced and assessed. To reassess students need to:

1.    Complete any missing lessons or classwork in the science notebook (and study guide if assigned)
2.    Complete test corrections, for all below standard responses, on a separate sheet of paper
3.    Turn-in corrections and notebook for feedback
4.    Re-take a similar test, covering the same content, upon approval of corrections and notebook

1.    Complete or correct the original work
       a.    Make revisions and additions in a different color, or mark with sticky notes 
2.    Re-submit the work within the grading period, with the original evaluation attached


Mr. Bachmeier is available before school (except Tuesdays), after school or during 3rd lunch (by appointment only) to help students work on achieving mastery of standards in science. Please check with Mr. Bachmeier in class at least 1 day before you want to stay after school to avoid conflicts with other meetings. 

Students will work together to establish behavior norms for their own class around the Cascade Middle School core values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and PERSEVERANCE.

Students who violate the classroom norms or disrupt the learning and safety of others will enter the following progression of intervention:
1.    Reminder of the expectations/norms being violated
2.    Opportunity to re-evaluate their behavior in a different seat in the class
3.    Complete a behavior reflection outside the room
4.    Invitation to visit the CRASH Room in order to reset their behavior
5.    Phone call or e-mail home to discuss behavior with parents/guardians
6.    Removal from class and discipline infraction
These steps may happen concurrently or be bypassed depending on the severity of the behavior.
•    See the 8th Grade Lab Safety Contract for specific Science Lab expectations.
•    School-wide behavior expectations apply within the classroom. See the student handbook for additional details on CMS behavior guidelines. 


Communication is crucial for parents, students, & teachers. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bachmeier through email or phone.

• Email: 
• Cascade Middle School Phone: (360) 855-3520 ext. 3034

Course Summary:

Date Details Due